Today computers are everywhere and you will be using one now. From phones to tablets, pc to gaming consoles, supercomputers to smartwatches all these computers function the same way these computers use machine language composed of ones and zeros telling it what to do. The computer reads word for word until it understands what to do. These are classical computers. Today these computers are made smaller further with greater power. People today are working on more powerful computers which can solve complex mathematical problems with greater ease. Classical computers cannot do such works very well. The closest thing we have gotten to is many classical computers combined together to form supercomputers. This is where the bio-computer comes in. Bio-computers use 1% of the energy used by current transistors. The result is that today's supercomputers could be reduced to the size of a laptop without greater amount heat.
The development of biocomputers has been made possible by the expanding new science of nanobiotechnology. The term nanobiotechnology can be defined in multiple ways; in a more general sense, nanobiotechnology can be defined as any type of technology that uses both nano-scale materials (i.e. materials having characteristic dimensions of 1-100 nanometers) and biologically based materials. A more restrictive definition views nanobiotechnology more specifically as the design and engineering of proteins that can then be assembled into larger, functional structures.The implementation of nanobiotechnology, as defined in this narrower sense, provides scientists with the ability to engineer biomolecular systems specifically so that they interact in a fashion that can ultimately result in the computational functionality of a computer. The Swedish biocomputer uses myosin to guide protein filaments along artificial paths. Mysoin could be thought of tiny molecular motors converting chemical energy into mechanical energy. Biocomputers use systems of biologically derived molecules, such as DNA and proteins, to perform computational calculations involving storing, retrieving, and processing data. This enables the researcher to build an array of data accordingly. The development of biocomputers has been made possible by the expanding new science of nanobiotechnology. it involves in building a nano-based channels with specific traffic regulation for protein filaments. The solution in the network corresponds to the answer of a mathematical equation. This means much smaller and stronger computers. This biocomputer is much easier and less expensive to build than a quantum computer which is used for the same purpose.
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